Programming Essentials in C++

Black Girls in Tech



As one of the most popular programming languages, C++ is hailed for its efficiency and its ease for developing games, real-time systems, and applications with graphical libraries. Take the course to learn the basics of programming in the C++ language, and the fundamental notions and techniques it uses. C++ knowledge lends itself well for landing jobs in Security, Networking and IoT fields. Don’t miss out. This first course, in the 2-course series, introduces you to the basics then progressively extends your capabilities. No programming knowledge required. See more about the C++ Certified Associate Programmer Certification (CPA).

You'll Learn These Core Skills:

  • Learn the syntax, semantics, and basic data type of C++.
  • Understand principles of the object-oriented model.
  • Implement and write in C++ and resolve typical implementation challenges via language libraries.
  • Prepare for the C++ Certified Associate Programmer Certification (CPA).

Students who complete and pass the Programming Essentials in C++ course will be issued a course Certificate of Completion.

Enrollment Procedure:

  1. Click on the link provided for the course
  2. Enter your Credentials i.e First Name, Last name, Email and Click on Submit button
  3. Check your Email Inbox (the one provided for the enrollment) for Successful Enrollment Notification
  4. Click on the link to your Course Portal, Enter your email address and Click Submit
  5. When Prompted for a Password, supply your password associated with your enrolled email address, if you have already gone through the initial enrollment process.
  6. Otherwise, Click on Forgot Password and Supply the same Email Address
  7. A Password reset link will be sent to your Email address, Click on it to Supply your new password and Submit
  8. Go back to your Course Portal to Log in with your email address and the Newly created Password
  9. Enjoy the Course Content

Course Details


Partner: CPA - Programming Essentials in C++ (English - 2.00 - Self-Paced)

29 Oct 2022 - 29 Oct 2023

Abby Jefia

Start here to learn C++.

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