Adecco: Cybersecurity Essentials (Ukrainian) Self-paced

Global Academy



Learn the Basics Needed to Fight Cybercrime

This is a self-paced course, if you experience any problems, use NetAcad chat bot to find the answer to your question. 

A single breach can have huge consequences for a company, hurting the bottom line and causing disruption in the daily lives of millions of people. That is why the demand for security professionals continues to grow. Get onboard—and develop an understanding of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, and procedures used to defend networks. Then decide whether you want to pursue an entry-level networking or security professional role. Prerequisite Introduction to Cybersecurity or equivalent knowledge recommended. 

Course Details

Adecco Cyber Essentials Ukrainian

Cybersecurity Essentials (Український - 1.02)

19 Apr 2022 - 30 May 2023

Raquel Martinez

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