Programming Essentials in Python

Networking Academy Switzerland



Course Overview

Designed as easy to understand and beginner-friendly course focusing on various data collections,
manipulation tools, logic and bit operations and creating basic REST APIs.

With PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python you learn to design, write, debug, and run programs encoded
in the Python language. No prior programming knowledge is required.  The course begins with the very basics
guiding you step by step until you become adept at solving more complex problems.


Learning Components

• 5 modules of interactive instructional content
• More than 30 practice labs
• Built-in online tool to perform labs and practice
• Chapter and Final exams
Estimated time to complete: 60-70 hours

Course Details

CH - Programming Essentials in Python

Partner: PCAP - Programming Essentials in Python (English - 1.10 - For public campaigns - Legacy)

06 Aug 2020 - 30 Jul 2021

Pawel Bulenda

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