Introduction to Packet Tracer

IEEE Academy



Enroll, download and start learning valuable tips and best practices for using our innovative, virtual simulation tool, Cisco Packet Tracer. This self-paced course is designed for beginners with no prior networking knowledge. It teaches basic operations of the tool with multiple hands-on activities helping you to visualize a network using everyday examples, including Internet of Things (IoT). This Introductory course is extremely helpful for anyone who plans to take one of the Networking Academy courses which utilizes the powerful simulation tool.  You'll also earn a Networking Academy digital badge. No prerequisites required!


Enrollment Procedure:


1.Click on the link provided for the course


2.Enter your Credentials i.e First Name, Last name,Email and Click on Submit button


3.Check your Email Inbox ( the one provided for the enrollment) for Successful Enrollment Notification.


4.Click on the link to your Course Portal, Enter your email address and Click Submit.


5.When Prompted for a Password, Click on Forgot Password and Supply te same Email Address.


6.A Password reset link will be sent to your Email address, Click on it to Supply your new password and Submit.


7.Go back to your Course Portal to Log in with your email address and the Newly created Password.


8.Enjoy the Course Content.


9.For more Enquiries/Support,Call/Chat me up on 08134967535

Course Details


Introduction to Packet Tracer (English - 1.11)

20 Aug - 20 Nov 2020

Dr Daniel Ekpah

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