Introduction to IoT (July 2020)

Markham Public Library


Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)

Course Description: With the combination of increased global Internet access and a growing number of devices designed to connect, learn how the Internet of Things is changing the world and the skills needed to land a well-paying job.

Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite to this course but learners are expected to have basic understanding of computers and internet.

Estimated Length: 20 hours

Level: Beginning

Certificate of Completion: Available

Minimum System Requirement

  • Laptop or desktop running Windows or Mac
  • Web browser (Chrome 50+, Safari 8.0+, Firefox 43+ or IE 10+)

Course Details

Introduction to IoT (July 2020)

Introduction to IoT (English - 2.00)

01 Jul - 30 Oct 2020

Virtual Services Librarian

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