
Pan African Information Communication Technology Association (PAICTA)



Welcome to PAICTA Entrepreneurship Programme

Supplement your knowledge with entrepreneurial thinking, business development, and financial management skill.   

The Launching Pad Course for Your Great Idea
It takes more than a great idea to become a successful entrepreneur. The winding road between concept and execution requires business acumen, financial skills, and, most importantly, the right mind-set. This knowledge can not only set you apart but set up your technology venture for greater success. So, why not benefit from a course that’s made for you, jump-starting your ideas, and arming you with the right skills to take the next step with more self-confidence. No prerequisites required.

You'll Learn These Core Skills:
•    Increase your self-confidence and personal ambition.
•    Learn what it takes to start different kinds of businesses.
•    Improve leadership skills and financial literacy.
•    Become more customer-focused.


Course Details

Entrepreneurship - P2DL

Entrepreneurship (English - 1.01)

21 Jun - 30 Dec 2022

Sonwabo Mdwaba

Enroll now

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