Introduction to IoT Online for Free

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Cisco Networking Academy – Introduction to IoT Free Online Course

Target Audience: Secondary and 2-year college vocational, the general audience (age limit is 13)

Registration: open until July 31st, 2022, online, for free 

Delivery:  Online self-paced (20 hours)

              Prerequisites: None

 Get Certificate of Completion: The minimum score to pass the final exam and receive the Certificate of  Completion is 70%

Course Overview:

 Learn how the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to alleviate some of the world’s most significant problems.  By 2020, there will be 50 billion things connected to the Internet, creating 1.5 million jobs in IoT.

The course also introduces the importance of the new Internet Based Networking that uses a software-driven approach and machine learning to be able to connect and secure tens of billions of new devices with ease.


Participants will have a comprehensive view of how these emerging technologies are shaping the digital business. They also have the opportunity to explore career opportunities in this new landscape

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the meaning and impact of Digital Transformation.
  • Apply basic programming to support IoT devices.   
  • Explain how data provides value to Digital Business and Society.
  • Explain the benefits of automation in the digitized world.
  • Explain the need for enhanced security in the digitized world.
  • Discover opportunities provided by digital transformation.

Looking forward to seeing you in the virtual class! 

Course Details


Introduction to IoT (English - 2.02)

01 Aug 2021 - 31 Jul 2022

Luca Lepore

Enroll now

Course has ended